Tag Archives: crafting

Donkey Dolls

Donkey Dolls

I really wanted to make something special for Big and Little for Christmas this year. I’ve been making ragdolls for a few years now (see my etsy page here) but I haven’t made one specifically for either Kiddo yet.

When I sat down to draw out what I wanted, I kept coming back to one of Big’s favorite animals -the humble donkey!  We have several neighbors who keep donkeys and we’ve been going on visits to see/feed them since he was born.   In fact, Big’s favorite before bed/nap stories are about our Neighbor “Bill” and his donkey, Salsa.   Big also loves the book, “Sebastian and the Magic Pebble” by William Steig.  So it was fitting that I’d make Big and Little each a donkey doll.  I did a little googling for a donkey rag doll to get some inspiration for my pattern but found almost none. So I was left to my own devices.


I started with some sketches:

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Then got to work. I was happy to find that I still had a bunch of fabric left over from when I reupholstered the dining room chairs that was the perfect shade of gray. I used red and blue fabrics from my collection for the clothes. If I had been planning ahead, I would’ve taken some photos of the dolls being constructed, but planning ahead isn’t always in the cards when you’re nursing a baby and caring for a busy 3 year old. Alas!

Anyhow, here are the finished donkeys.

I created a pattern so I’m hoping at some point to make more and possibly sell them on my etsy site. What do you think? Would you buy a donkey ragdoll?? I’d love any feedback and advice. Thanks for reading :). Samora

Kitty Doll


After all the ornaments and decorations I made for Christmas, the hearts for Valentine’s Day and the Eagle felties for Eagle Days, I have finally gotten back to making ragdolls! I came up with this little guy, partially inspired by the story “Pete the Cat”.  I picture my kitty as a vagabond sailor with makes his living riding riverboat barges and catching tasty catfish.

I also made a little bunny, which I think turned out super cute. I will take and upload photos of her soon.


Here’s kitty:



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Today I worked on some valentines to give out to my friends and family (and husband, of course!) I used a sort of Eric Carle-like technique of painting onto paper, then cutting the paper out into different shapes to create images. For those of you unfamiliar with Eric Carle, he is a children’s book writer and illustrator.  He’s written “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, “The Very Grouchy Ladybug” and illustrated “Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See?” and I LOVE his work.

After cutting up the painted paper into all different shapes (mostly hearts), I used sewing, pasting, glitter and stamps to put together a bunch of unique valentines. They are a bit more simple than some of the projects I have worked lately, which I think is a good thing.

Here they are. I hope I am not ruining the surprise of any of my valentine recipients!